How Do You Know if Your Characters Are Flat?

What is a Flat Character? An Explanation (With Examples)

While there are some stories focus entirely on but one or two characters, most have several that are present throughout the story. The chief character is, of course, the biggest focus. And a flat character they are not.

Condign familiar with the workings of a flat grapheme is essential in knowing how to write a novel. Familiarizing yourself with examples will aid you learn how to go a better writer, likewise.

What is a apartment graphic symbol? They are characters that are mostly one-dimensional and don't accept a lot of backstory or depth. Nearly of the time, they likewise remain relatively unchanged from the starting time of the story to the end.

Secondary characters are often the flat characters of the story. They are not the ones readers are supposed to be connecting with the most. This is important to remember when learning how to write a book.

The idea of a apartment character comes from E.G. Forster. He writes virtually it in his uncommonly useful book Aspects of the Novel.

Characteristics of a Flat Character

A flat character is non every bit interesting as its opposite, the circular character. Most flat characters, while dissimilar in the details, are the aforementioned at their core.

There are several things that make up a typical flat grapheme. Knowing them will help yous learn how to write a novel and how to go a ameliorate writer in general.

  • They are there to support the primary character.
  • Not as important to the story as a whole.
  • They usually don't go through whatsoever substantial modify or growth throughout the story.
  • Apartment characters will accept elements and traits that are recognizably stereotypical.
  • These characters have a express scope of perspective and opinions.
  • A flat character is not necessarily boring, weak, or poorly-written. All it ways is that they are one-dimensional and non terribly interesting. They don't draw attention away from the important characters.
  • They take a single role in the story. For example - the overbearing mother, annoying cousin, competitive coworker.
  • Common and frequent in plot-driven stories. The characters are made flat so that the reader places their focus on the plot.

A Flat Grapheme is Non a Bad Character

Many people call up that the term "flat grapheme" is a criticism or description of how a graphic symbol is written. This is non always the case. Of grade, if your character is supposed to be round and information technology falls apartment instead, this is a trouble.

But, a grapheme that is intentionally flat can serve a meaning purpose in a story. Knowing how to write a book is knowing exactly what kind of characters yous are going to employ.

Characteristics of a Flat Grapheme
1. They are Understandable They are non a complex person.
Readers should easily empathise their role.
2. They add Value. They may non exist the near interesting, but they are however valuable.
They can represent a certain group or category.
They tin add a splash of extra emotion - such equally comic relief.
3. Exposition. Sometimes, the author just needs an interesting and artistic style to go information out.
4. Henchmen. Sometimes, something evil needs to take identify to accelerate the plot.
A minor, unlikable grapheme tin can exist used to do this.
5. Quest-Givers. A common occurrence in fantasy.
They put the protagonist on a certain path.

They are Memorable and Understandable

It is true that readers don't tend to relate to a flat graphic symbol because they are not life-like and circuitous. Withal, flat characters are oft like shooting fish in a barrel to sympathise considering they follow formulas that are recognizable and familiar.

Even though they are not a deep character that readers are invested in, they will understand the character's purpose. They empathize where they fit into the story and why they are there.

These characters are too remembered because of the value they add to the story. They are not necessarily representative of the story'southward value but they bring something to the table that makes the story amend.

Practice writing your apartment characters to know how to become a ameliorate author. They advance the narrative.

They tend to be most constructive when used in a more comical style. A apartment character that is tragic or too serious will stop upward existence a bore.

A Flat Character Adds Value

A good example of a flat graphic symbol advancing a storyline in a valuable manner is Mrs. Micawber from Charles Dickens's David Copperfield. She comes from a family that is well-off. The family disapproves of her married man, who has a kind heart just not a lot of money.

She has determined that she will never go out him. She is flat because she is defined simply by her unending devotion to her husband.

Though this is her only notable characteristic, she still adds value to the overall story by contributing to the narrative of the working class and their issues.

Studying a graphic symbol like this is helpful in learning how to write a novel.

Apartment characters add together something to the story without drawing likewise much attending to themselves. In the above case, Mrs. Micawber is known only for being devoted to her husband. From this, we can know she is a loyal woman who loves her hubby.

Nosotros don't know much else, and that's the point. We take her for what she is. This allows us to proceed our emotional focus on the characters who take more to offer, and more than story to tell.


An author may use a flat character equally a way to reveal important details or information. Information dumps are a well-known writing faux-pas. If your first chapter or ii is just a big list of information, no ane will proceed reading.

To avoid boring and overwhelming their readers, writers often have to get artistic when it comes to the revelation of important information.

This is where apartment characters become useful. Rather than spitting out tons of narration, the writer tin have 1 of these side characters reveal some details instead. This can be through their words or even their actions and reactions to certain characters or situations.


In addition to using a flat character to reveal data, they are often created equally an evil character that the readers aren't supposed to like. Unless the evil character is a pregnant part of the story, they shouldn't modify much. They shouldn't be growing a censor or feeling whatsoever guilt.

If an evil side character did this it could drastically change the direction of the story. Their unchanging state helps readers to understand the identify of this character.

Information technology too allows them to stay detached and non be disappointed when the graphic symbol is somewhen disposed of.


Another example of these unchanging, i-dimensional apartment characters that add value are the "quest-givers" in a fantasy.

These characters are small and secondary but they advance the plot by sending the protagonist on a mission or chore of some sort. They tin can besides exist used to reveal pertinent information to the protagonist specifically.

If these characters were to be complex and detailed with emotions and backstories, readers would be getting invested in the wrong people.

If these "quest givers" became dynamic and grew and changed throughout the story, the story would be about them.

They are non fleshed out. They are not interesting, but they advance the plot in an important fashion.

Flat Graphic symbol Examples

Most every story you read will have examples of flat characters. Some are there for only a chapter while others are present throughout. Either way, they all have a purpose and serve to advance or complicate the plot.

Flat Characters in the Classics

Classics are classics for a reason. A story doesn't become down in history for being plainly or slow. Non only practice these classics give u.s.a. timeless, well-told stories, only they show how practiced books are written. Part of this is their clever and constructive use of apartment characters.


Shakespeare has a solid example of a flat character in Gertrude from Hamlet. She is loving and caring towards Hamlet, only inside she is weak and oblivious. She has been duped past Claudius who murdered her hubby and stole the throne.

Gertrude doesn't sympathize why Village is opposed to her marriage. Though she is weak, she serves to accelerate the plot past being a pawn for Claudius and Polonius. They are able to use her to carry out their plans and schemes.

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet has two perfect examples of flat characters. First, we have Juliet's mother. Inappreciably anything is revealed near her at all.

Her sole purpose is to try and convince Juliet to marry Paris. She has a simple personality but her role is important. This pressure level to be with Paris is a big disharmonize in the story.

Adjacent, nosotros have Benvolio. We know that he is a good and loyal friend to Romeo. He is accused by some of being hot-headed and having a bad attitude.

Across this, however, we don't know a lot and he remains unchanged throughout the story. He does advance the plot by trying to play peacekeeper between the families. He too supports Romeo in going after Juliet.


The famous vampire from Bram Stoker's Dracula is an example of a main graphic symbol who is also a flat character. Dracula is a nobleman who is also a vampire.

He is visited by Jonathan Harker, a solicitor.

Dracula is gracious and polite, though it doesn't accept long for Harker to realize he has been taken, prisoner.

His fiance and her friend before long make it and become "infected" by Dracula, who sucks their blood and leaves them to too become vampires. This is Dracula's only goal.

The story follows a complex and interesting plot, but Dracula is not a complicated character. All he ever aspires to do is suck blood and turn people into vampires.

These unproblematic, unchanging desires coupled with his one-dimensional personality brand him a apartment protagonist.

Harry Potter

The globe of Harry Potter is a complex and expertly crafted story. Harry himself is a circular character, but J.K. Rowling makes vivid use of several flat characters to advance the story in unique ways.

Crabbe and Goyle are both examples of a flat character. They are present throughout all the books, merely we still never learn much most them.

They are Draco Malfoy'due south friends/sidekicks. Readers are very familiar with them but don't know much beyond their surface level personalities.

They serve a purpose within the story - they help Malfoy behave out his schemes - but they aren't anyone's primary focus. Readers are non emotionally invested in them and probably don't care much about what happens to them.

Another example here is Hagrid. Hagrid is central to the plot. He is a recognizable and important character. He is someone Harry can go to and trust. Hagrid is well-loved by both characters and readers.

All of that said, there isn't much there to analyze.

But, Hagrid plays a crucial part in the story. His starting time job is to track Harry down after the letters aren't working. From there, he helps and advances the plot in several means, but he never changes.

Hagrid doesn't experience much growth. And though he is essential to the plot, we don't get a very deep look into his actual personality.

Flat Character Examples in Disney

While also considered classics past many, Disney has truly carved itself into a category of its own. With multiple movies containing simple but memorable characters, they offer some notable examples of flat characters.


While she is the main focus of the story, Ariel is flat due to her unwavering obsession with what dwells above the surface of the ocean. She "wants to exist where the people are" and it'due south all she ever thinks about.

Her advent does change, but she herself remains the same. Even when she makes it onto the state, she still fixates on the life of humans by turning her attending to Eric.

She becomes involved with him rather fast. Her personality is basic and she is naive. She never grows from this.


Gaston is quite apparently a few things:

  1. Hateful
  2. Arrogant
  3. Prideful
  4. Cold
  5. Hard-hearted
  6. Attention-seeking

This is all nosotros know about him, however, and he never redeems himself. His personality is stagnant and his motivation is singular: ally Belle.

Though he is shallow and static, he plays a significant role as a source of conflict. Belle is slowly getting through to the creature during her time in the tower. The breaking of the curse would have gone through unhindered if information technology hadn't been for Gaston and his try to kill the brute.

Cinderella's Stepmother

Lastly, we have Cinderella'southward iconic stepmother. She is mean, fell, and downright evil. Her intentions are bad and that's the terminate of it. She remains this way throughout the entire story, never experiencing redemption or growth.

She is crucial to the story, however, as she stands in the style of Cinderella reaching her full potential in life. Without the stepmother and her strict, unreasonable rules, Cinderella would have had no trouble staying at the brawl.

She would have married the prince without issue and it wouldn't have made for a very interesting story.

Don't exist Afraid of a Flat Character

As a author, you shouldn't fright the flat characters. Some identify them in a bad light every bit characters who are poorly written and non well thought out.

While this tin can be true, flat characters can too be effective and downright essential to your storyline.

When used correctly, these characters play significant and of import roles. They not just advance the plot but they practice so in ways that don't draw attending to themselves.

They make an affect on the story while allowing the reader to stay focused on the primary characters.

So, don't be afraid to include some flat characters. They tin be of help to you lot when used intentionally. When you know how to write a apartment character, you lot are on your way to learning how to write a book.


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